Marketing, Gen-Z Marketing Joshua Stanley Marketing, Gen-Z Marketing Joshua Stanley

Netflix and Marketing: The Surprising Link You Need to Know

Incorporating pop culture into your marketing strategy is more than just a trend; it’s a powerful tool to connect with your audience on a deeper level. By understanding your brand’s values, defining your target audience, and aligning with relevant pop culture elements, you can create a more engaging and relatable brand experience.

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Gen Alpha, Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday Gen Alpha, Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday

GAME ON: Winning Gen Alpha Through Games

As the very first generation born completely in the digital age, it's no surprise that Gen Alpha gravitates towards online platforms for interaction; one of those platforms is gaming. We previously highlighted that Gen Alpha is the newest generation to have control over the buying power in today's market. Due to that, brands must alter the way they are interacting with their audience, especially with Gen Alpha.

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Gen Alpha, Influencers, Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday Gen Alpha, Influencers, Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday

Gen Alpha: The Next Generation for the World and for your Brand.

You've heard us talk about marketing to Gen Z, Millennials, and even Boomers, but now it's time to talk about marketing to the next generation, Generation Alpha. Born after 2010, Gen Alpha is the only generation to be born entirely in the digital age, meaning they are one of the easiest consumers to connect with online.

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Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday

Winning The Hearts of Gen-Z, The Ethical Way

Ethics. A tough and boring conversation to have, especially when you don't know what it is or how to go about it. Whether you know what it is or not, everyone has ethics. Everyone has that one thing that they care about, or that one thing that they would or wouldn't do. However, today, we're talking about ethics in marketing, a.k.a Ethic Marketing; what it is and how to use it to attract Gen-Z.

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Podcasting, Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday Podcasting, Gen-Z Marketing Jetta M. Holiday

Hometown Hustle- Building your Brand Surrounding your Community

When you're first starting your business, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is how can you grow your business? How can you attract your target audience, and how can you establish your business all over? However, in order to grow your business all over, you must start in your own area, your own community.

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Gen-Z Marketing, Podcasting Jetta M. Holiday Gen-Z Marketing, Podcasting Jetta M. Holiday

The Power of the Multi-Part Series

In digital media, captivating your audience is key. As a brand, you must have the components to attract your audience and keep wanting them to come back and engage with you--especially if your audience is tailored to Gen Z. That's why the multi-part series plays a critical role for any brand looking to make a long lasting impact with their Gen Z audience.

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Gen-Z Marketing, Podcasting Jetta M. Holiday Gen-Z Marketing, Podcasting Jetta M. Holiday

Unveiling the Secrets to Gen Z: A Guide to Gen Z Marketing

Where authenticity reigns supreme, connecting with Gen Z requires more than just a professional demeanor. It's about knowing who Gen Z is, speaking their language, following their trends and most importantly, being real. As a brand that seeks Gen Z as its primary audience, you must understand Gen Z's unique preferences and values. Don't know how? Don't worry, we have a guide for you.

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Joshua Stanley Joshua Stanley

Understanding Gen-Z’s Values

You probably already know that social media is one of the main ways you should be promoting your brand. 40% of internet users find brands through social media posts, both sponsored and not.

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Joshua Stanley Joshua Stanley

Repurposing Content

Repurposing content is a great way to take one content piece and be able to make several smaller pieces. As we discussed before, the more content you make, the better because you will have more stuff to post in order to remain consistent on social media and increase your reach.

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Gen-Z Marketing Joshua Stanley Gen-Z Marketing Joshua Stanley

Unleash The Power of Livestreaming

Livestreaming is a great way to build an audience, but most importantly to foster connection and conversation with your audience. They can be done on so many platforms and are really easy to set up; if you aren’t livestreaming, you are only stunting your growth.

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Gen-Z Marketing Joshua Stanley Gen-Z Marketing Joshua Stanley

Using SEO TO Grow Your Brand

SEO, or search-engine optimization, is how you can drive traffic to your page. You need to tell Google and other search engines what your brand is and what it does for them to be able to properly promote you to the right people. Here are some tips for using SEO to grow your brand.

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